Make It Custom

How To Make It Custom

Here’s how to get started

Quite often the most difficult thing about achieving your dream product is figuring out what you want in the first place. At PurelyCustom we’ve taken the time to make the process as simple as possible by providing a series of steps to help give you some direction with your ultimate “Purely Custom” product. The entire process is contained in our downloadable PDF file: Starting Your Project. Click on the form to download it, fill it out and mail or fax it back to us.

1) Download the “Starting Your Project” form (PDF format), read it over and fill it out. It provides tips and ideas on how to get your project started.

2) Create a drawing of your part.  It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece or a precise technical illustration (although that would be OK). Just sketch it out to give us an idea of what you’re looking for. Photographs of where it goes would also be helpful.

3) Mail or fax the form and drawing(s) to us.  See the bottom of the page for our address and fax number.

4) We will contact you for more info.  A PURELY CUSTOM team member will discuss with you all the aspects of getting your part(s) made. This discussion will provide us with the additional information we’ll need to move forward on your project. Once we understand and agree on exactly what you are looking for, we can then estimate the cost and time frame of the project. We offer a few different finishing processes, including polishing, anodizing, and chrome plating. This information will be added to your modification drawing when requested.

5) Creating a prototype.  Upon your acceptance of the estimate, our staff will program this information into our computers for manufacturing. When a representative model has been programmed we will e-mail or mail a drawing to you. We will then work together to develop that drawing into exactly what you want. After completion of the drawing we will send the information to our machining group to manufacture a sample part made out of high-density foam. We will ship the foam model to you for final approval of look and fit.

6) Posting photos online.  During the manufacturing process we will post pictures for you to view on a private page in the Customer Log-In section on our web site. Once we receive your order we will email you the User Name and Password necessary to enter the Customer Log-In section.

7) Completion and shipping of your part. Upon receiving your final approval we will manufacture your part(s) out of the material you have requested (aluminum, steel, plastic, etc.). Once your project is complete the part(s) will be shipped to you in protective containers.

8) Additional parts, hats, t-shirts, jackets, etc.  Your project will be kept on file and we will be able to reproduce the same parts for only the manufacturing price. All graphic designs that we have on file for you can be engraved or stamped on additional parts (if feasible). We can also put these designs on apparel for you (i.e. shirts, hats, jackets, etc.). Set up charges may apply. Unless you decide to change design there will not be a programming charge to use a previously programmed design on another part.

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